Cagefighter Film Brings Together Worlds Of MMA, Pro Wrestling


The British-American action sports film “Cagefighter: Worlds Collide” takes a page from one of the cult classic “Rocky” movies of years ago by combining combat sports and pro wresting.

While Rocky, of course, featured boxing, this takes MMA and pro wrestling and brings it together under one roof.

Written and directed by Jesse Quinones, the film stars Alex Montagnani, Jonathan Good, Gina Gershon, Jay Reso and Chuck Liddell. Good is better known as Jon Moxley, a pro wrestler, and Reso by the name Christian.

Following a successful MMA champion who agrees to defend his title against a pro wrestler, the movie premiered digitally on FITE TV back in May and will be released in the United States on Friday.

Montagnani plays Reiss Gibbons, who is billed as the greatest MMA fighter in the Legends promotion. Promoter Max Black pits him against wrestling star Randy Stone, who is played by Good.

Other MMA notables appearing in the film include Brad Pickett and Luke Rockhold.

Steph Franchomme of VultureHound gave the film a rating of four-and-a-half stars out of five. He praised the performances of Liddell, Good and Gershon, and applauded the film’s message: “Cagefighter: Worlds Collide is not only a movie for wrestling or MMA fans. It is made for any human being who believes in the fact everything is possible in life. You can be a Champion in a ring or a cage, the essential is for you to be the Champion of your own life.”

“We are thrilled to partner with the Cagefighter producers on this film premiere.” said Michael Weber, FITE COO, “A movie that features wrestling and MMA action is a natural fit for FITE. The time is now right for global digital delivery via FITE for any kind of content as we provide a singular entertainment experience that’s both exciting and convenient.”

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