Alex Hernandez Tells Donald Cerrone he Taught Him “Something Invaluable” in UFC Brooklyn Loss

Alex Hernandez fired off plenty of verbal shots leading up to his bout with Donald Cerrone, but following his loss to the legendary fighter, the promising lightweight is being gracious in defeat.

As UFC Brooklyn approached, Hernandez talked a mean game, so much so, Cerrone and others accused him of being disrespectful.

On Saturday night, Cerrone’s Muay Thai ruled the day, however, and he finished Hernandez in round two.

Since then, Hernandez posted the statement below, in which he thanked Cerrone for teaching him a valuable lesson.

Congratulations @cowboycerrone. You taught me something invaluable in defeat. Perhaps the best/worst thing that ever happened to me was a 42 second knockout debut. I go into every fight feeling untouchable and expecting a repeat of the same occurrence. I prepare myself in the moments prior for an execution in the first round and not a fight. I need to learn to fight. I need to address my approach. I brought the fight to Cerrone and where he made adjustments, I did not. Experience is a costly bitch.
Thank you @ufc @danawhite @seanshelby for an amazing opportunity and belief in me. I will not let this go in vain. The triumph of adversity is what makes a man and defines legends. I will be be back. And you will know I mean what I say next time you see me. This is good pain.

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Congratulations @cowboycerrone. You taught me something invaluable in defeat. Perhaps the best/worst thing that ever happened to me was a 42 second knockout debut. I go into every fight feeling untouchable and expecting a repeat of the same occurrence. I prepare myself in the moments prior for an execution in the first round and not a fight. I need to learn to fight. I need to address my approach. I brought the fight to Cerrone and where he made adjustments, I did not. Experience is a costly bitch. Thank you @ufc @danawhite @seanshelby for an amazing opportunity and belief in me. I will not let this go in vain. The triumph of adversity is what makes a man and defines legends. I will be be back. And you will know I mean what I say next time you see me. This is good pain.

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Hernandez had won eight in a row before facing Cerrone, and that included two victories with the UFC.

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