
Smackdown Live (3/26/2019): Recap & Results

Smackdown Live (3/26/2019)

The Mix brings you Ringside Intel’s recap and results for tonight’s Smackdown Live (3/26/2019) broadcast. Pre-show starts at 7:50 pm EST and the main show starts at 8 pm EST. Kurt Angle will have his final Smackdown match ever against AJ Styles. Tweet and follow @RingsideIntel on Twitter.

Smackdown Live: 8 pm EST

New Day comes out and suggests that they might leave WWE after Vince McMahon’s unfair treatment of Kofi Kingston. Vince comes out to address them but then WWE Champion Daniel Bryan comes out with Rowan. Bryan says Kofi is just a B+ player and New Day takes exception and has words with him over it. Tensions rise until Vince tells everyone to shut up. Vince makes fun of New Day for saying they were going to quit. He says he doesn’t believe they were ever going to quit, they’re just doing this in protest. But everyone loves what they have here, Vince says, even though New Day is just a B+ tag team.

Vince, however, says that if New Day can win a tag team Gauntlet Match tonight, then Kofi will get his WWE title shot at WrestleMania.


Becky Lynch is interviewed and she says she’s bringing the people. Ronda Rousey is bringing the belt, but she has no idea what Charlotte Flair is bringing to the Triple Threat title match at ‘Mania. Then Charlotte’s music hits and she says she is about to show what she brings to the table.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka (c)

The match was suddenly made into a title shot at the start of the match and the commentator wonder how Charlotte managed to swing such a turn of events. Charlotte ends up locking on the Figure-8 and forces Asuka to tap out. Charlotte is the new Smackdown Women’s Champion heading into WrestleMania.

Winner: Charlotte Flair (c)


Singles Match: Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles

Randy Orton interferes and nails Styles with an RKO, causing a disqualification.


After the match, Orton continues stomping Styles. Angle hits Orton with an Angle slam and helps Styles up.


The Miz comes out to the ring. The crowd chants “Miz is awesome!” Miz says his WrestleMania opponent Shane McMahon has made things personal and has lit a fire under him that he never knew he had. Now Miz wants to make sure everyone around the world sees as he decimates Shane… in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Shane’s music hits and he comes out with an entourage of security guards. There are also a few wrestlers that come out for backup, including Primo Colon and Shelton Benjamin.

Shane instructs the ring announcer to introduce him as “The best in the world.” Shane then informs Miz that all the security is actually to protect Miz from him, not the other way around. Shane says that he has watched the clip of him assaulting Miz’s father over and over and it makes him feel better each time. He says he can only imagine the fear Miz felt seeing him do that. Shane says that he accepts Miz’s proposed stipulation for Falls Count Anywhere.

Shane disparages Miz’s family some more and Miz charges out of the ring and up the aisle toward Shane. The security tries to stop Miz but he fights them off. Then the WWE superstars try and fend Miz off but Miz manages to take most of them out too. Finally, the rest of Shane’s backup overwhelms Miz and puts a beating on him. Miz, however, keeps fighting and he gets the upper hand again. Miz and the other wrestlers brawl their way into the stands as Shane watches fearfully from the main stage. Miz ends up standing tall.


Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Big E and Xavier Woods will be battling to earn their partner, Kofi Kingston, a title shot at WrestleMania. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson are their first opponents.

New Day eliminates Gallows & Anderson.

Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura enter and New Day eliminates them as well.

The Bar are the next opponents. New Day eliminates them but The Bar does not go quietly, as they bring a table into the ring and double-powerbomb Big E through it.

The Usos are next to enter. The Usos say that Kofi Kingston has already earned his title shot as far as they’re concerned. He’s earned everyone’s respect, and that’s why they wish him luck… because they forfeit their spot in the Gauntlet Match. The commentators remark on The Usos being a “class act.”

The final team that New Day will have to defeat is Daniel Bryan & Rowan. New Day is weathered after surviving in the match over 30 minutes by this point. Bryan gets incapacitated and Big E ends up toppling the announce table over onto Rowan so he can’t move. The ref counts Bryan & Rowan out and New Day wins, earning a WrestleMania WWE title shot for Kofi Kingston.

Winners: The New Day

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