
Explaining The Four Biggest Complaints About WWE Signing New Wrestlers

1. “They Won’t Know How To Use Them”

The biggest fear any wrestling fan has whenever a wrestler signs with WWE is that the powers that be won’t properly use or book them. It’s a reasonable fear: what works elsewhere might not necessarily work in WWE, and no fan wants to see their favorite wrestler become a shell of their former self.


While WWE has dropped the ball with several wrestlers, I don’t believe the root issue is that they “don’t know how” to use people (and honestly I think that claim is ridiculous). Instead, I think the problem is that WWE cannot invest adequate time and energy in everyone all the time.

Think about it: WWE’s roster is massive, and even with five hours of weekly cable programming it’s challenging to devote creative time, energy, and effort to developing everyone’s characters and storylines. Even some of the company’s top Superstars get lost in the shuffle from week to week.

But the good news is that when something finally does click, WWE usually rolls with it – and a good character in WWE is still better than a proper character anywhere else. It might just take some patience and awful booking to get there – but again, that’s mostly a matter of time, not lack of creative depth or understanding.

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