
The Most Surprising And Pointless Title Changes!

Sometimes title changes are carefully choreographed stories that go on for months and months. Other times they seem to have been decided on right before a match starts with little thought for a story or the future. Here are a few examples.

Alexa Bliss Beats Sasha Banks (RAW 28th of August 2017)

Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely happy Alexa Bliss won. Then again, Sasha Banks should not have taken it from her in the first place. With a dramatically short title run, which was seen as pointless, this title change certainly belongs in this list.

The Miz & Dolph Ziggler Title Changes

Two wrestlers who probably hold the record of pointless title changes are Dolph Ziggler and the Miz. Ziggler and The Miz have been playing a true game of ping pong with the Intercontinental Championship for years, often with an underwhelming story to accompany it.

Akira Tozawa & Neville

With this title change still fresh in our minds, I ask you: what was the point? Akira Tozawa took the title from Neville in the build-up to Summerslam, only for Neville to take it back at the pay-per-view. Altogether, Tozawa only held the title for six days and the subsequent feud encountered the same fate.

John Cena & Randy Orton


Much like Ziggler and Miz, John Cena & Randy Orton had a rivalry that involved a lot of pointless title changes. It all started with John Cena beating Randy Orton for the WWE Championship at Breaking Point.

After Cena beat Orton at Breaking Point, the rivalry continued when Orton beat John Cena during Hell in a Cell. Following that, Cena beat Randy Orton again at Bragging Rights. Therefore, is it any wonder that these guys already won more than ten championships when they hit their 30’s?

Charlotte & Sasha Banks


Even the Queen has been a part of some pointless title changes, more specifically during her RAW rivalry with Sasha Banks. While I certainly remember the start of their rivalry as excellent, it soon becomes boring with loads of title changes and a lack of other female talent getting the spotlight.

The general theme of the title changes between Charlotte and Sasha Banks would be that Charlotte won titles during pay-per-views, while Sasha took it back on RAW.

Now, there are many rumors surrounding this rivalry and why it was done this way. Firstly, it is rumored that WWE officials wanted to lay the groundwork for Charlotte to surpass her dad’s title record, while others claim it made the rivalry more interesting.

The Problem with Frequent Title Changes

While an occasional title change makes things a little more interesting, doing it too often does make the title less valuable. It also causes the title holders to be taken less seriously, so frequent title changes should be considered more carefully in the future.

What do you think about frequent title changes? Do you love them or hate them? Let us know your unsalted opinions in the comment section below! We look forward to reading them!

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