
Zack Ryder Strains Knee Ligaments – But Will Continue To Wrestle

Dang, Zack Ryder can’t catch a break. In 2016, Ryder won a Battle Royal for the SmackDown Tag Titles but injured his knee and was out for six months. He returned last year to feud with Mojo Rawley. He floated around the mid-card and was recently shook-up back to Raw. But whatever WWE had planned for Long Island Iced-Z will need to be put on hold now that Ryder has once again injured his knee.


But, thankfully Ryder won’t be out for long!


Even though he’s ok, Ryder has to have the unluckiest career of anyone in WWE history. Every time he gets close to the top, something pulls him down. Whether its Triple H, a lack of planning, or injury, Ryder seems destined to never taste real success in the WWE.

What’s Next for Zack Ryder?

As announced, Ryder will not be at the 50-man Greatest Royal Rumble, meaning someone else will need to fill his spot. No word yet on who that might be. As for Ryder’s Future? Your guess is as good as mine. He’s been rumored to be on the chopping block more times than anyone else over the last few years. But he’s a good worker and has great presence, so hopefully, WWE will keep him around.

Ryder is one of a few WWE Superstars out with an injury. The former “Internet Champion” joins Dean Ambrose, Jason Jordan, Noam Dar, Alicia Fox, Epico Colon, and Tamina on the IR.

What are your Zack Ryder thoughts? Let us know in the comment section below.

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