
Triple H Unveils New “North American” Title Belt

NXT is getting a new title. And it will be introduced uniquely. During NXT tapings on March 7th, NXT General Manager William Regal announced the creation of an NXT North American title. Six NXT roster members will compete in a ladder match for the new strap at NXT Takeover: New Orleans.

The debuting EC3, Ricochet, Velveteen Dream, Adam Cole, Lars Sullivan, and Killian Dain will battle in what I am sure will be a cringe-in-a-good-way insane battle.

Adam Cole at least has already proven he can battle with ladders.

Image result for Adam Cole Ladder match

And here’s Ricochet doing some crazy ladder stuff that you should never try at home.


North American Title History

The North American title is a relic from the NWA/Mid-South wrestling days, and the original belt looked AWESOME. Helped that Magnum TA looked the manliest man of all time.

The title was the premiere title in the Mid-South territory that ran in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. The new title definitely nods back to the old-school vibe of the original, though it stands out as its own.

Famous North American champions include Ted DiBiase, Dick Murdoch, Ernie Ladd, Paul Orndorff, Jake Roberts, and Mid-South’s most significant star the Junkyard Dog.

Too Many Titles?

With this belt, and the rumors of Cruiserweight tag belts coming after Wrestlemania, is WWE suffering from belt inflation? Adding the two future straps in there are now 15 belts within WWE. Granted, each of these is mostly assigned to a particular brand apart from the UK Championship. Still, that’s a lot of titles. At any giving time, 10% of the rosters of WWE and NXT could be title holders. WWE is offering more programming than ever. Some view this as a bad thing, which is absurd. WWE doesn’t expect you to watch everything. They know people are watching re-caps and Youtube. The whole point is to get fans to tune-in live for what matters, PPVs on the Network and Raw and Smackdown.

Do you think there are too many titles? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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