
Rusev Nearly Murdered Shinsuke Nakamura At Fastlane

Happy Rusev Day!

We’re in the Fastlane on the Road to Wrestlemania and it all starts (or ends?) at Fastlane. The first match on the card was Royal Rumble Winner Shinsuke Nakamura against Rusev. How dare they make Rusev wrestle on Rusev Day of all days!

The match was some straight fire, but the scariest/awesomest/WTF moment came when Rusev kicked Nakamura’s spirit completely out of his body. Nakamura’s fall and landing have many fans thinking the Artist had danced onto the next plain. Check this out.

Naturally, people reacted to this attempted murder in an appropriate fashion.


Thankfully Nakamura is just an incredible wrestler who takes falls that look dangerous that really aren’t. He got up from that and knee’d Rusev’s face off for the win.


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