
Seth Rollins Once Again Proves He’s The Best WWE Has

On The February 19th Monday Night Raw, WWE gave us nearly two-straight hours of non-stop wrestling. The gauntlet match between the seven male Elimination Chamber participants took up the first two hours of Raw programming. All seven men wrestled for various lengths of time, but the star who shined the longest was Seth Rollins. The Kingslayer fought for one hour and five minutes beating both Roman Reigns and John Cena clean.

But then exhaustion eventually got the best of him, and he fell to Elias. Rollins wrestled three matches back-to-back-to-back. Two of them were banger instant classics. That’s impressive in a month. Rollins did it all in one night. Seth understood the importance of the evening and the love the sport and fans gave him.

One thing was made abundantly clear during the Gauntlet, Seth Rollins is the best wrestler in WWE. It isn’t even close. He worked non-stop for over an hour, pulling out move after incredible move. He hit Cena with an AA. For those wondering, the only other people to hit Cena’s finisher on him are Randy Orton and CM Punk. Both of those were in PPV main event title matches.

While WWE and their fans want you to think Reigns is the next face, this match proved that Rollins is not only emerging, he is emergent. He isn’t the future of WWE. He is the present.

But The Future?

Seth Rollins will probably not win the Chamber match. Rumors seem set on Roman Reigns winning and challenging Brock once again (sorry Sandra). But what about the field? All seven competitors could main event Mania this year.

Miz and Balor seem destined for an IC title match. Cena, who says he must win the Chamber to be at Mania, is rumored to be facing the Undertaker.  Braun will defeat the Superdome by cracking the roof open. Elias will bash Jeff Jarrett with a guitar.

But what about Rollins? How can he put a match like that and have no substantial Wrestlemania plans? This year seems to be the most open Mania card in years. With are almost a month out and there are no reliable plans. The Elimination Chamber will hopefully clear things up, and we’ll have a better idea after the Smackdown PPV, Fastline, as well.

One thing is clear though. Seth Rollins is now the man in WWE. He deserves the spotlight. Hopefully, WWE will do right by Rollins and give it to him.

What do you think of Seth Rollins’ future? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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