
Ten WWE Wrestlers Who Will Be Gone From WWE Soon

In the last few weeks, four big names have departed from WWE. And according to speculation, it could be just the beginning. So it got us thinking about who else might be on the chopping block.

Whether for lack of opportunities or frustration with their current position, there are a few wrestlers who might leave in the next few weeks or months.

Dana Brooke

To begin with, her call-up to the main roster was a questionable decision. Since then she has done little more than being a lackey for a rotating cast of heels. Her in-ring skills haven’t improved, and she is not very good on the mic. And last week she became a meme after running away from the invading Smackdown roster. That can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. I think Brooke will move back down to NXT before she leaves, however.


This is also a question about the Cruiserweight crew in general. While Enzo’s transfer has helped the fledgling brand, there is still a lot of talent being under-utilized. This includes inaugural Cruiserweight champ TJ Perkins (TJP). TJP seems to be out of the loop in the new feuds on 205 Live. Recently he voiced a desire to compete for the IC title. But it seems more likely that the Purple Brand expands rather than contracts. If that is the case, perhaps TJP will feel pushed out. He was a big draw on the indies and could take advantage of the booming indie scene soon.

Primo & Epico

Hard to think of a tag team that has had more failed gimmicks than these two. From cholos to matadors to Puerto Rican timeshare con-artists, everything as failed. The two are big draws for WWE in PR but is that enough to keep them around? They seem to be off TV more than on it, and I honestly can’t remember which brand they are on at the moment because they’ve been off television for that long. Perhaps with WWE’s new push into Latin America, they’ll be sticking around but who knows?


While the Big Red Machine just returned to WWE for a brief run against Braun Strowman, Glenn Jacobs is still running for mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. I don’t expect this current return to last for long. And if he is elected mayor he’ll be gone from the roster permanently.

The next few include former champions and perhaps the most famous loser in WWE history.

Gallows And Anderson

Since coming from Japan, the two former Bullet Club members have floated around the periphery. They finally captured the Raw Tag Titles earlier this year before losing them to the returning Hardys rather quickly. Since then they’ve been involved in a few nothing feuds and at one point seemed to team-up with Elias. One reason to think they aren’t leaving is that they’re both veterans and considered “good hands” who will go out and put on a good match and show regardless. Anderson worked for over a decade before getting to WWE. However with the Bullet Club hotter than ever, perhaps they see it as an opportune time to go back out on their own.

Curt Hawkins

Perhaps his unprecedented losing streak will finally get to him? Hawkins also runs a wrestling school on Long Island, New York. But he’s probably making great money just “doing the job” right now. And there’s a reason he does it. He’s good at it. Hawkins truly is a “star maker.”

Dolph Ziggler

It seems that Dolph Ziggler is always on the verge of leaving WWE. But this time it might be happening. It doesn’t help that he’s played a character on Smackdown is increasingly frustrated with a place on the roster and with other more successful wrestlers. He has voiced a desire to give Hollywood a try. He has already tried out stand-up comedy to mix reviews. We will see, but I would bet Dolph Ziggler sticks around for a while longer.


This one isn’t based on more than that Truth is 45 and has been used sparingly on TV the last few months. He’s had a successful career and can still go in the ring. Not only that, but he is beloved by fans and by his fellow wrestlers. Like fellow journeymen, Mark Henry and the Big Show, perhaps Truth will fade into a part-timer who makes occasional marquee appearances?

Did we miss anyone on our list? Does Dolph Ziggler leave first? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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