
Paige And Alberto El Patron Give First Interview Since Airport Incident

Paige and Alberto El Patron gave their first interview Thursday since last month’s domestic violence incident.

The two sat down with Busted Open on SiriusXM — and according to them the airport incident was nothing more than an argument that was blown completely out of proportion by “the media”:

Paige admitted they shouldn’t have been arguing in public, but Patron was much more unabashed by the situation and said he wasn’t gonna apologize because they were just being regular people.

The couple then both claimed that “ninety percent” of the reports that came out were false.

Paige also addressed her family’s posts on social media. As she tells it, they were just worried about things they’d seen online – and everything is good with them now.

As for El Patron’s suspension from Global Force Wrestling, he revealed that he’ll “be back soon.”

Paige’s future with WWE, however, seems uncertain as ever:

I’m not sure what to take away from this. It does seem like perhaps Paige was telling the truth about what happened at the airport, after all. However, it also seems like her relationship with El Patron continues to be both unhealthy and a detriment to her career.

You can listen to the Busted Open segment below:

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What do you think about the latest development in the Paige/El Patron saga? Share your comments below!

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