
April 13th Impact Wrestling Preview: Borash vs Matthews

This is the Impact Wrestling preview for the episode airing Thursday, April 13th on Pop TV.

The show was taped weeks ago, but this is a SPOILER FREE preview for those who like to be surprised.

Commentator Combat

Commentators Josh Matthews and Jeremy Borash have been engaging in a war of words ever since Borash re-joined the commentary team. Matthews (well-known from his time in WWE) is the heel commentator, and Borash has been with Impact since it was doing weekly PPVs at the Asylum in Nashville. Matthews has been getting a lot of hate from fans on Twitter for his attitude and arrogance. This has culminated in a match. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like Borash or Matthews (who is actually as a trained wrestler) will be involved.

Fighting for Borash are Magnus, Alberto El Patron (Del Rio), Chris Adonis (Chris Masters), and Matt Morgan.

For Matthews (aka Team Goat) Eli Drake, Tyrus, Impact Champion Lashley, and recently re-signed Bram.

Matthews even made T-Shirts!

Impact Wrestling

While a lot of people have been taken in by Matthew’s cruddy attitude, I actually like it. It is hard for bad guys to get actual hatred nowadays, and Matthews has managed that. Also, it helps that he’s going up against the man that is the embodiment of Impact Wrestling. Jeremy Borash has done everything for TNA/Impact. He’s been the ring announcer since day one and has also filled in as social media coordinator, producer, and director. He was a major collaborator with the Hardy’s for their ground-breaking Deletion angle.

From the preview video, it seems like it will be the focal point of this week’s episode.


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Image result for laurel van ness What are you looking forward to on this week’s Impact Wrestling? Share your thoughts.

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